…and it’s danced by tens of thousands of people across the globe! Anyone can dance tango:
no matter their age, gender, political, religious, sexual or other orientation; no matter their previous dance in/experience, height,
weight… Anyone who wishes it, surely can!
Find the magic of Argentine tango in our new beginners groups!
Group A (starting January 19th): Monday (19:30 – 21) and Thursday (21 – 22:30).
Group B (starting January 21st): Saturday (13:30 – 15) and Sunday (13 – 14:30).
Choose the group that best suits your schedule. Anyone can mix and match class times of both groups if that suits you better.
The enrollment lasts until groups are formed. It’s not necessary to come with a partner. Every first class is free of charge.
If you’ve missed the first or any subsequent classes, don’t worry. Our big team is there to take care of everyone’s individual progress.
Contact us
Or by phone, if it suits you better:
Boris Đuričić
+381 64 24 21 129
Đurđina Šijaković
+381 64 33 91 832
Sonja Živanović
+381 63 38 44 65
Darko Dožić
+381 63 34 21 55
If you want a smoother start in a group environment, you are drastically late for the beginners group or you want to advance quicker, we recommend preparation classes comprised of basic dance technique, suitable for all levels including complete beginners. For the same reasons, or if you can’t fit regular classes into your schedule or dynamics, you can always contact us for individual classes. Also, dancers of all levels come together at practicas, where they practice, alone or with a partner, and consult with the instructors.
It’s great if you have one, but if you don’t have him/her, you will get several during class – in our classes partners are changed regularly (unless you insist otherwise) and everyone dances equally. And with each new dance partner, you potentially get a new person in you life!
Pripremni časovi osnovne plesne tehnike
Ukoliko se ne osećate spremnima da počnete sa radom u grupi ili želite da napredujete brže, preporučujemo časove osnovne tehnike, pogodne za sve plesne nivoe uključujući i potpune početnike.
Individualni časovi
Ako vam jednostavno ne odgovaraju termini i dinamika grupe, ili želite da ubrzate svoj plesni napredak, uvek nas možete kontaktirati za individualne časove.
Plesači svih plesnih nivoa se okupljaju na praktikama, na kojima vežbaju sami ili u paru, uz mogućnost konsultacije sa instruktorima.
Did you know?